In September I’ll be participating at poster sessions at the International Conference on Alpine Meteorology (ICAM 2019) and the International Mountain Conference (IMC 2019) respectively. The posters will focus on ICAR, it’s evaluation with a weather pattern based approach and potential issues due to the numerics at the top boundary of the model. I plan to focus on a real-life test case during ICAM while looking at idealized simulations at IMC. The IMC poster will also be preceeded by a flash talk.

Furthermore I’ll be a presenting author during the IMC workshop “Climate information for impact modeling” for a statistical downscaling approach used to extend limited in situ mountain weather observations to the baseline climate.

ICAM 2019 poster

Precipitation downscaling in complex topography with ICAR evaluated with a weather-pattern based approach
Johannes Horak, Marlis Hofer

Poster Session 6: P6: Mountain climate
Time: Thursday, 05/Sep/2019: 1:30pm – 3:30pm

IMC 2019 flash-talk and Poster during the “Climate modeling in Mountain regions” workshop

An evaluation of linear theory based downscaling with ICAR in complex topography
Horak, Johannes1; Hofer, Marlis1; Maussion, Fabien1; Gutmann, Ethan2; Gohm, Alexander1; Rotach, Mathias W.1

1Universität Innsbruck, Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences, Innsbruck, Austria; 2Research Applications Laboratory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA

WS 1.1.B Climate modeling in Mountain regions
Time: 09/Sep/2019: 04:00pm-5:30pm

IMC 2019 flash-talk and Poster during the “Climate information for impact modeling workshop”

Extending limited in situ mountain weather observations to the baseline climate: A true verification case study
Hofer, Marlis; Horak, Johannes

University of Innsbruck, Austria

WS 1.1.A: Climate information for impact modeling
Time: 09/Sep/2019: 1:30pm-3:00pm · Location: SOWI – UR 3